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Donating at the Self-checkout

SCOT screen.png
Adaptable prompt, catering for future charities


Working to tight deadlines to deliver a reusable journey that allows customers to donate at the self-checkout with minimum friction and limited added transaction time


A seamless, tested prompt that can be reused for different future charities. 


Built and deployed in under 5 months (a win for us!) and over £600K donated through the self-checkout to YoungMinds


Phoeby Narenthiran (Product Designer)

Sophie Taylor (Product Manager)


As the deadlines were tight, we threw ourselves into desk research and competitive analysis. We looked at more than just in-store options but also how rounding up and donating worked online. This allowed us to understand the complexities of the journey and begin to understand the user mental model of donating. 

Self Service - Competitors.jpg

We also mapped out the journey - the initial proposition included flexibility in charity additional to how much the customer can donate. We quickly realised this was extremely complex and due to the constraints of the small self-checkout screen, we began to consider alternatives.

Self Service - Proposed flow.jpg


We wanted to assess how the customer would react to the additional prompts and decisions. We used an unmoderated usability platform to allow us to quickly test our prototypes and receive customer feedback. 


We found that with fewer prompts, customers were more likely to donate! We used these findings to develop the final designs shown below.

Final designs

The key design elements:

  • Matching the marketing across the website and instore point of sale.

  • Moving the question to above the two call to action buttons

  • Removing any additional cognitive load - no option to select a charity or select different amounts to donate

  • Adding an icon that's inclusive and a clear title to match the action intended

Single charities final.jpg

What's next?

Since this has been live, the team has been able to turn it off and on in different stores at different times. There were a few bugs we needed to sort out, such as the flow with discounts applied after checkout, but as a whole donating over £600k to YoungMinds is an incredible achievement!

We would also like to do more customer observing and intercepting, to identify whether there are any pain points so we can adapt and improve the prompt.


What did I learn?

  • Most bugs come out in testing! 

  • Designing for all options (including the ones that will overwhelm customers) and testing aids decision making and allows more useful stakeholder conversations

  • Although adding a disrupter to the journey may be uncomfortable, customers quickly become used to it - it also may feel disrupting at the beginning but overall it's a positive disruptive for a good cause!

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